Bring back the use of lockers for new forest academy

As many of you are aware there are lockers in schools but unfortunately they are not in use because of covid 19. 
With children mixing regardless and restrictions being lifted all together myself and many others would like to see them in use again for the children's sake.

The students are expected to carry around their books, p.e bags and any other essentials needed which can be very heavy to a child of a growing age and we as adults do not even carry this much around daily. 

Many schools across the country have at least allowed for students to wear p.e kits on the days needed to ease things for the children, why isn't NFA following suit? 

There are rumours going around that the lockers are being removed permanently which would be a shame as they are very useful and help students to be less stressed and more comfortable during the school day. 

Please help me by helping our children by signing and sharing this petition! 

Many thanks 😊 

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