Bluebell Wood Access in the Dane Near the Viaduct Stopped by Blue Slate Farm


Thank you for taking the time to read the petition. If you decide to sign please do leave a comment to object as the more comments we get the better. 

Blue Slate farm have recently fixed barbed wire fencing to Bluebell Wood in the Dane and removed footpath signs. Although there is still access into the wood, (which defeats the object really), you cannot climb over the horse jump or allow dogs under, due to barbed wire fencing into Ray Brown's field.

There are rules regarding permisive paths and public footpaths that have been used for 20 years or more. And we can appeal to Cheshire East if the route has been used for 20+ years and the route is on an interactive DMS map and if:

  • we see a new notice which states there is no right of way,
  • we meet someone who tells you not to use the way, or
  • we find that the way is obstructed, such as by a fence or locked gate or barbed wire.
  • Or if the manner in which the restricrted access obstruction is erected could potentially cause harm to animals, the environment, wildlife or walkers.

So we can put a case to Cheshire East, we need signatures. Please would you be kind enough to sign this petition. As it stands, walkers can still access the wood, just not gain access into the field beyond. Plus, please  be careful if walking a dog or young children as the barbed wire is not clear to see until you are almost on top of the horse jump; it would be easy for your pet or child to harm themselves.

This is a beautiful wood which has been used by Holmes Chapel residents and walkers for over 40 years. The landowner of the viaduct does not have a problem with walking across his land to access the wood. It is a such a small stretch of wood that closing it off appears potentially discrimanatory to locals who respect our countryside and enjoy our walks.

The official path is unsafe, with a broken gate and it is steep, with uneven steps and holes in the ground as well as a large drop to the broken gate. There are also usually lots of cows in this field and therefore redirecting walkers to go this way could be potentially dangerous to the animals and to walkers and birdwatchers both from disturbance to the animals and litter. Visitors  to the village who are not aware of the limitations of the walk and are often not wearing appropriate footwear and could potentially easily harm themselves. As the wood has been used as a permissive path not contested previously by the landowner for over 20+ years we can appeal the closure. The landowner also didn't put up any signs to warn walkers merely put up dangerous barbed wire. It was the viaduct landowner who kindly put up notices warning potential walkers  of the closure. The signs appear to have disappeared and have not been put on place to denote rhe "official" path and their whereabouts remains a mystery. 

If the reason for the wood closing is purely down to litter, (we are not entirely sure) we are happy to set up a volunteer group to litterpick weekly through Bluebell wood.

Please sign and share widely.  The petition will be available to sign until 30th Jue 2024.

Let's preserve our beautiful walks for the future. We will not publish your email addresses or personal details.


Thank you so much.

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