Better supports and mental health care for our children in Ottawa

Hello everyone! 

I don't often share my personals with the world, but it's time to spill my heart because it's broken. I am the single mom of a 15 year old with ADHD, anxiety disorder, several LDs, cyclic vomiting syndrome and ASD. As many others have also encountered, things since the pandemic have been really rough. We are lucky enough to have a fantastic GP, Pediatrician and Youth counsellor, I know that in today's world, not all are as lucky. However, on a single parent income, we are not privy to private services. This means waits of 18months + and only basic supports. My child is now in crisis mode, moderate failure to thrive and we are being told that there is nothing anyone can support us with because we have already accessed all publically funded services. She is not currently attending school due to her mental health being so poor and so therefore we do not qualify for any school based or CHEO/school collab systems. She does not have a suicide plan (none that she has shared anyway) and therefore do not qualify for psychiatry or inpatient services. 

I have now been forced to leave my job, even as the single income for this family, with no idea of how we are paying rent or getting food, but those aren't my priority right now as unhealthy as that may be. I am clearly my child's only advocate because our health care and educational systems are failing our children thanks to government budget cuts. If nobody else will help my child, I guess it's on me. We have tried CHEO, YSB, FSO, Counselling connect, Kids help phone, the crisis line, and even a private out of pocket life skills coach. School programs, supports, etc. 

I have started this petition to raise awareness, get the world talking, create allies, a support system, search for hidden resources for myself and others and tell the provincial government that we demand help. Our children are suffering and they are closing their eyes. Please sign and share, share, share. Thank you for taking the time to read. 

What happened to 'freedom from harm and the right to effective treatment'? So many of us are drowning and they are watching instead of throwing us life preservers. 

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