Battlefield 4 bugs and pre bug release NEED TO BE FIXED


This petition is to act against the game being released far to early.

Since Battlefield 4 was released it has come with various pre alpha, beta stage bugs that should have been ironed out with the proper time and relevant alpha and beta testing.

Thoughts come down to the fact the game developers DICE are pushed to release titles before their main competitions like Call of Duty Ghost etc.


This petition is to advise and warn EA and DICE that there is NOT just a small amount of users experiencing bugs and issues, however there is a HUGE part of their community experiencing it and not getting responses back from community staff. It is also to advise EA and DICE that their loyal player base have spent a week or two off work using valuable holiday time to play a game they have been looking forward to, instead though they find themselves beta testing the game for EA and DICE to fix?


Please this petition is to show EA and DICE that you NEED to spend more time testing and not release a game just for the sake of it and speed of it.


Please see bugs that LOADS of people have been reporting and EA / DICE haven't even identified some of these.




Server lag NEEDS TO BE FIXED. DICE says they have rolled in some patches, but I see no evidence of improvement whatsoever. Teleporting places, having imput lag and being killed by people you didn't even know existed isn't super fun DICE, get on it!


Menu system bugs and glitches need to be fixed. I can't tell you the amount of times that my friends and I have had to leave the server because the menu has bugged, stopping us from playing.


Load times are atrocious.


Multiple crashes on maps like Siege of Shanghai.


EA / DICE Do it once, do it proper.