Bareng Batho Save South Africa

South Africa is turning into a lawless country and our laws are protecting criminals more than law-abiding citizens, We are slowly losing our youth and our country to criminals. if we don't push for amendments to the following laws we will get into trouble.

     Act 51 of the Criminal Procedure Act of 1977 section 49
Prevent our police from performing their duty accordingly and freely, because it does not outline what is described as minimum force and maximum force and what the court allows and what it does not allow. 

Eg, When should a police official salp a person or use pepper spray

2.      Act 68 Of the South African Police Service Act of 1995 sections 18 to 22

The community policing forums are not properly coordinated and it is not stated how long can a person lead the forum to prevent long-serving persons.

If a person stays for long in one position he/she ends up being exposed to predisposing and pre-participating factors of crime.

3.      National Prosecuting Authority Act 32 of 1998

The NPA is not working closely with the SAPS and there are no prescribed standards (checklist ) to guide the SAPS on how to compile enough evidence to have more dockets enrolled into the court roll.

Targets deprive a lot of people of justice because once the target is reached only a few dockets will be enrolled beyond the target.

4.      Immigration Act 13 of 2002

Illegal immigrants are also entitled to state legal representation, they are given lesser sentences, and DNA and fingerprints are not collected from immigrants and submitted to the SAPS database.

5.      Drugs And Drug Trafficking Act 140 of 1992

Speedy response on the classification of new drugs.

The Grams on possession of drugs and dealing with drugs should be decreased. 

Drug addicts should be subjected to rehabilitation when arrested and their record should be kept and a warning be issued.

Dealing with drugs should be classified as Schedule Six (6) and a sentence should be the same as murder because some users are un-rehabitable.

6.      Abolish of Corporal Punishment Act 33 of 1997

We have created more problems for educators by abolishing corporal punishment.

Our kids attack educators every day

They introduce each other to drugs inside the schoolyard and educators are unable to do anything about it.

7.      Children’s Act 38 Of  2005 Section 16

Parents are prevented from using old traditional ways of punishing kids and that makes them unruly          


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