Ban the sale and use of fireworks in Ireland.


We the undersigned are alarmed and concerned that the illegal sale and use of fireworks are still prevelant in Ireland in 2016.

Tonight is October 31st ... A cat was killed in Clonmel when a firework was placed in it's mouth and it exploded and there have been countless tales on social media of dogs being thrown onto lit bonfires. Also animals terrified and running scared because owners didnt lock them up securely.

Not to mention the thugs who think it is perfectably acceptable to throw lit fireworks at cars and people.


Please I beg of you sign my petition to totally ban (without an entertainment licence) the sale and supply and use of fireworks in Ireland, with long sentences or very large fines for those caught in possession of them.

Please share far and wide and get as many friends and family members to sign the petition as possible. It is essential this is the last year animals and people are forced to endure the trauma of being terrified in their own homes.

We seek organised fireworks displays by every council in Ireland going forward, an small admission fee to cover costs is acceptable and if they didn't have to foot the clean up costs of bonfires everywhere then the cost of putting on such displays would be minimal.