no residence permit after 25 years and driven to his death by grief

Yes, life goes on. We also said that when 
we left our homeland (Iraq). We also said that
when we were arrested on the ship at night on
our escape to see our dad and were transported
on in the truck for hours - which traumatized us.
We also said that when the immigration authorities
kept making new promises to us, but didn't hand
them over in writing and consequently didn't keep
them. I wonder why everything happened so quickly
for the Ukrainian refugees, but is made so complicated
for the Syrians and people who have lived in Germany
for a long time. It was the insecurity and existential fears that led to
the stress and ultimately to our father's death.
He lived a healthy life, worked a lot in nature and 
did sports. Yes, it still has to go on for the remaining ones, but
the circumstances were already giving us physical and
psychological problems before dad died. If you hit a
wall for 25 years, one day you won't get up.
And for those who remain, the fight goes on -
that's what makes getting back up so difficult for us. So please sign and share the petition so that my
mom and little siblings can finally get subsidiary
protection in Germany. (You will receive a confirmation
email after signing)

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