Annexation Amendment to Briscoe Falls CC&Rs


By digitally signing this petition, you are stating that you are in favor of the Amendment. If you oppose the Amendment, take no action. If you have already voted either online or using a ballot, there is no need to sign this petition.

To review the Annexation Amendment to the CC&Rs and/or the Annexation Agreement online go to, click on KB Home Development and you can access the documents there.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Should this Annexation Amendment not pass and a second vote is held on the exact same Amendment, all votes cast in favor of the Amendment at this time will carry over as votes in favor of the Amendment in such a subsequent vote.

If you have any questions, email the HOA Board at

NOTE: Only one homeowner's digital signature will count toward the total needed for the Amendment to pass.


Briscoe Falls HOA Board    Contact the author of the petition

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