Ancoats (Weybridge Road) and surrounding areas needs to be free of pavement parking

Since the development of multiple apartment blocks in the Ancoats area parking has become a major issue. For me as a resident of Weybridge Road I am absolutely astounded by the ridiculous parking reoccurring in the area. Cars parking on pavements, on drop kerbs and on grass verges (either fully or half on and half in the road). It has made walking , navigating with prams and wheelchairs on Weybridge road (also surrounding streets) and trying to cross it difficult and dangerous.  According to Manchester City Council as there are no double yellow lines, single yellow lines, signs for no parking etc, they cannot do anything about these cars.

I have corresponded with the local labour and liberal demoncrat councillors for the Ancoats area. They are very much in agreement with the parking issues, but unfortunately my voice alone doesn't have enough power.

I am creating this petition to gather support so I can go to the local councillors and to Manchester City council and demand some enforcement be put in place to prevent this kind of parking blighting our roads. 
There is talk of a residents only parking scheme being introduced, after Weybridge Road, Chippenham road and Woodward street were not included in the Eastlands resident parking scheme that has been approved. Without firm confirmation of our own residents parking scheme and what it will entail, let's make our voices heard collectively. We are not happy.

(The photos I have included are just the tip of the iceberg of what I have).

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