Allow Spence to stay in his caravan while his home is rebuilt

Screenshot_20240813-064623~3.pngMy friend Spencer lost his home in an arson attack.

On February 2nd 2023 he was deliberately targeted by teenagers in a hate crime; his home and all his possessions were destroyed and he was lucky to escape with his life. 

He is currently living in a small caravan outside the blackened remains of his house on Bernice Terrace, Lipson, because he wants to stay close to his community and his neighbors - who stand by him - and oversee the rebuild work which has now officially begun.

His kind neighbours raised money to buy him his caravan so he can stay close to his loved ones and guard his house from looters; police reports show his derelict home has been broken into at least 6 times, probably by the youths who set the fire.

He doesn't aspire to live in a caravan in the street and as soon as it is safe for him to return to his home he will happily remove his caravan. 

Plymouth Community Homes want to remove him and have taken him to court - the current date of that hearing is September 3rd. They say the space he is occupying is for residents to turn their cars around in. Mr O'Shea is a resident. He has no car and he is still paying the mortgage for a house that has been deemed too dangerous to enter.

Plymouth City Homes do not own Mr O'Shea's house, nor any of his neighbours home's. The PCH simply lease the garage opposite which he currently resides and where he does not cause obstruction or nuesence. His neighbours have stated they are happy for him to use that space and overjoyed that he has remained in the community following the tradegy that nearly took his life safe in the caravan they paid for.

I invite any of Spence's friends, neighbours and supporters to sign this petition to show they stand by him and will not allow a faceless organization to further displace a vulnerable, disabled man. 

Please sign this petition if you believe, as I do, Spencer should be allowed to temporarily remain beside his home while it, and his life, are rebuilt. 





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