Allocated parking for flats at fengate close

We are fed up of the parking situation at the flats in fengate close. Some of us residents regularly  have come back from a day at work and been unable to park our car outside where we live. The current situation of being able to park anywhere down fengate close is not working as the majority of residents from the houses side of fengate are parking there daily visitors outside the flats because there is no spaces down that end. None of us feel able to park down there due to antisocial behaviour. Cars been previously egged and alloys taken from residents cars. We have raised this situation several times and notning has changed. We would like allocated parking with numbered spaces, better enforcement or discussion about how much bollard parking would cost us. I have uploaded a picture of our welcome book we recieved on moving in which states we have allocated parking for one space which has never happened. The parking used to be manageable but has gotten beyond that now. 20221113_192128.jpg20221113_192504.jpg

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