Act against President Ramaphosa's policy, the easing of visa procedure for Nigerian entrepreneurs/businesses

Overview of the policy:

South Africa has recently introduced a significant policy that targets business travellers from Nigeria, offering a five year multiple entry visa as a special provision for ease of access into South Africa. The five year multiple entry visa differs from a single entry visa due to its eased restrictions; the visa holder is free to enter and exit South Africa multiple times during the 5 years proposed by the policy. This an extreme visa procedure ease which imposes several threats. This crucial measure is said to be implemented in order to encourage business relations between South Africa and Nigeria. The policy focuses on boosting economic relations, specifically in trade and business.


However, this policy imposes a great disadvantage for South Africans. The country already suffers from appalling levels of unemployment and economic inequality. This policy will exacerbate competition for jobs and resources amongst Nigerian businesses and local businesses. This can potentially lead to more economic strain. President Cyril Ramaphosa is highly determined at working on external matters of the country instead of internal issues that continue to affect the citizens of South Africa. 

The high unemployment rate (with youth unemployment at around 66%) and limited access to capital, mentorship, and resources hinder many young entrepreneurs in South Africa. The President should rather address these challenges, which require tailored interventions that promote inclusivity, especially in underserved communities.

 Nigeria is unlikely to adopt a policy where South Africans can freely operate businesses without following strict visa procedures. However, we South Africa, a country that suffers from economic setbacks, are willing to do so. Nigeria, just like many countries, implement strict immigration laws and often prioritize their own citizens. This is not done whatsoever in President Ramaphosa’s measures.

The ease of the visa procedure raises concerns about fairness, specifically regarding job opportunities in South Africa. The easing of visa procedures without necessary oversight will lead to security threats. The five year multiple entry visa has a relaxed nature that targets risks of illegal practices such as overstays, illegal business practices, and operating without effective monitoring. For instance, the United States of America experiences exploitation by individuals who operate illegal businesses due to the multiple-entry visa.

 The multiple-entry visa imposes a burden for local businesses and potentially increases the unemployment rate of South Africa. The visa procedure ease reduces the frequency of background checks. This encourages individuals with insincere intentions to exploit the system. Fraud and corruption in South Africa are severe. This will only make matters worse.

Proposed Revisions:

1. The prevention of easing the visa procedure. South Africa, just like many countries that prioritize their own citizens, should have strict immigration laws. This petition aims to offer a single-entry visa that permits only one entry with necessary restrictions. The single-entry visa ensures that each entry into South Africa is vetted. This highly prevents the possibility of misuse and crime. The single entry visa provides authorities with an opportunity to access and monitor the intentions of visitors. The single entry visa prioritizes the safety of South Africans while boosting business relations with Nigeria.

2. This petition also submits conditional entry based on local collaboration, which calls for Nigerian businesses to partner with South African enterprises. This is to ensure that South African businesses are protected and not harmed by foreign competition. Furthermore, the collaboration requires every Nigerian entrepreneur or business to hire a proportional number of South Africans, particularly in managerial positions. This ensures that job creation tackles the unemployment rate while protecting the economy of South Africa.

3. We submit that this policy should exercise transparency and accountability through an oversight body that can regularly access the impact of the business relations. This body can track employment outcomes while ensuring that the policy is not detrimental to South African businesses. The body can be managed by government representatives.


We, the people of South Africa, urge the government to reconsider the special provision for ease of access into South Africa. We fear that the five year multiple entry visa does not protect South African entrepreneurs, businesses, and communities. The proposed revisions ensure safety for the South African economy while strengthening business relations with Nigeria. We believe that these revisions should be considered for the better of South Africa's tomorrow.


















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