Abandon LRT on Sheppard Ave and Build Subways

Sheppard Subway Action Coalition

Sign Petition to Abandon LRT on Sheppard Ave and Build Subways

To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:
Whereas the Provincial agency Metrolinx has announced plans to
build the Sheppard East surface “Light Rail Transit” as part of their “Big Move”
initiative, and

Whereas substantial new highrise residential
development is now being built along the Sheppard corridor, adding thousands of
extra cars on the streets, and

Whereas a surface “LRT” will reduce the number of
traffic lanes on Sheppard, will eliminate left-hand turns between major
intersections, will substantially increase already lengthy commute times and
will foster car infiltration into stable neighborhoods, and

Whereas a
surface “LRT” is strongly opposed by the majority of the residents living in the

WE the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:

To direct Metrolinx to abandon their plan to
build a surface “LRT” along Sheppard and instead to extend the existing Sheppard
underground subway line East of Don Mills.

Sheppard Subway Action Coalition (SSAC)    Contact the author of the petition