ULEZ FINES | Bishop of London Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally to her legal duty of enforcing the Confirmation of the Charters Act 1297 on Justices' & Mayor | ALL the Ancient Liberties of London Magna Carta
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Parliamentary Privileges Act 1770
2024-10-19 07:51:20Parliamentary Privileges Act 1770 applies to citizens and with where the cognisance of the cause that has arisen rests. For exemple The House of Commons or House of Lords, Privy Council or His Majestys Government.
Richard Kelly
Parliamentary Privileges Act 1737
2024-10-18 23:33:05The Original full act is not currently published s1 - s3 or the previous act it amends only s4.
Previous Act being around 1700-1701 in the twelth and thirteenth year of William III
An act for preventing any inconveniences that may happen by privilege of parliament
Richard Kelly
1604: 1 James 1 c.13: Privilege of Parliament Act
2024-10-18 23:30:371604 privileges of parliament act
1604: 1 James 1 c.13: Privilege of Parliament Act
Richard Kelly
These are just some of the absolutely mind bending injuries against citizens from these fines
2024-10-16 23:00:42This must be Apocalyptic 760 private vehicles unlawfully taken and sold!!! To who?! Not people in London!!! How can that be undone?! 600 or so taken illegaly by evil bailifs!!! Still in posession!!
This must stop!!!
If i even spelled that right. How can one man Kahn the London Mayor bear the responsibility for this?
Donald Trump was shot at. Kahn has been sent a bullet in the post?! What a scapegoat. This is Transport for Londons fault and their legal team.
Must we have more and more and more corruption to evade liability and confessions?? When will it end?
Here .. it is reported...
TfL is owed an astonishing £370 million in unpaid ULEZ fines. Only £25 million in unpaid fines have been recouped.
1,400 vehicles were seized by baillifs for nonpayment of fines in the year ending July 2024. About 760 of them were auctioned off thus recovering about £710,000 - a tiny fraction of the £370 million owed.
The initial fine for non-payment of the £12.50 daily ULEZ charge is £180 but this is halved to £90 if it is paid within 14 days. It increases to £270 of it remains unpaid after 28 days. £90, £180 or £270 is a lot of money to a lot of people.
Many of the fines are levied in vehicles registered outside the Greater London area or outside England or the UK. Those fines are obviously difficult and expensive to collect. It’s difficult to seize a car registered in Ireland or Ukraine.
Mayor Sadiq Khan was warned about the injustice of this before he extended the ULEZ. But he went ahead regardless and as a result TfL is now owned £370 million. That money isn’t available to TfL for investment in infrastructure or bus or rail services
Richard Kelly
Here are two of the campaign funds for Stop Ulez which are both group 9 bodies with a political objective, non - proffit, non corporate. Value added tax act 1994
2024-10-16 19:30:28These funds prove the body of people subscribed to the political purpose and non proffit objective. Therefore those must be recognised in law and by the courts. Where legal funding. Including privileges of the body and its members. Not doing so for champerty but for actuall active engagement and facilitating the advertising. So why has this body had to use funds for criminal defence. When it is privileged? Only liable to civil action.
Richard Kelly
Here is one of the main Facebook groups of 83,000 members who are supporting these petitions
2024-10-16 19:20:54Either directly signed or otherwise helping to share and raise awareness of these issues. 83,000 citizens, electors.
Richard Kelly
Devilish effigies of The Mayor 😈😇 😱
2024-10-16 18:06:07Here, a campaign sticker and effigy of The Mayor of London by one of the distressed and angry petitioners - may seem a little extreme and distasteful yet the bitter and lawful truth of fact in our written constitution is that these fines - ordered by the Mayor of London are nothing less than "Evil". This may astonish some people that such language is resorted to in these acts of law that are given assent by William Orange and the Lords Temporal and Spititual in the year of our Lord 1688, but this is the place where law meets religion.
The Devilish representation of Kahn clearly demonstrating his ability to torture their souls by the heavy and unlawful burden of extraordinary and abnormal fines that the good citizens could not possibly realistically afford. With an objective to force their posessions from them. - Their vehicles.
Richard Kelly
Some of the Brave Citizens standing up for this good cause and our constitution!
2024-10-16 17:53:41Richard Kelly
Privileges for this petition and its objectives
2024-10-16 17:47:19The Privileges of The Parliament are declared for petitioning causes to be applicable to Petitioners as it is confirmed in the chapter XIX of the Cambridge Press copy of Sir Thomas Erskine May "Usage of Parliament" and this chaper is for public petitions. Therefore the only forfeiture here is fraud or forgery.. We therefore have a valid claim of right for these privileges for this cause and its objectives and lawful pursuits, particularly as set aside in the Criminal Damage Act 1971 and 2007 Control of Advertisements, statutory instruments, Town & Country planning act. Whereby the definitions are in the 1990 act. We also claim and use Freedom of Speech article in the 1688 Bill of Rights.
Richard Kelly
Physical versions of this petition dispatched to the respondent decision makers 😊🙏🏻
2024-10-16 17:17:37
We made these long rolls of little scroll as a nice symbolic gesture of the petition being submitted as we already claim nearly half a million supporters. We pray for more signatures from the good people of petitions.net to this cause. Bless You 😊🙏🏻
Richard Kelly