ULEZ FINES | Bishop of London Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally to her legal duty of enforcing the Confirmation of the Charters Act 1297 on Justices' & Mayor | ALL the Ancient Liberties of London Magna Carta
Contact the author of the petition
I know that this Petition is about Ulez and Magna Carta Rights. But as we have touched on religion i need to mention this
2024-11-24 21:26:37I did complain to the prime minister about his proposed assisted suicide bill. And i found it to be antisemitic and against the 6th commandment.
I also found legislation supporting the old testament in effect. I just want to give another example of generally how ancient rights and customs are being corroded unlawfully. Therefore it is a wider issue through government. Not just Ulez.
Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1690
Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament1690 c. 7 Chap. i. Of the Holy Scripture Section 4
The Authority of the Holy Scripture
Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament1690 c. 7 Chap. i. Of the Holy Scripture Section 8
The Old Testament in Hebrew
Richard Kelly
2024-11-24 06:54:04Richard Kelly
Evidence from King William Orange era Statutes of the realm volume six 1685 to 94
2024-11-24 01:05:14Here is evidence i must include from acts passed under William Orange around the Glorious Revolution period https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6 William Orange does uphold and affirm and restore all ancient liberties of London.. now these acts i will add in here. They DO mention TOLLs but in one it is not clear if it is saying that the libertie in in fact to NOT have the toll (be free from them) or if they are to not be excessive (as set in the Statute of Westminster the First, that we are looking for.. or if the act just refers to tolls that are outside the liberty or around it..(thus the evidence for physical remains of tolls) all being in a circle around the outer boundary. I have to say that the First Metropolitan police act around 1820s did mention Tolls. But did refer to those areas that The New City had expanded into. Such as middlesex, Essex, Kent and Surrey. Not the original ancient city
Richard Kelly
2024-11-23 17:28:40Statute of Westminster the First 1275
Ok, so now i think we may have solved the last piece of the puzzle, given that there are clearly plenty evidence exhibits in the petition archives.
Article 31, of the Statute of Westminster the First, which is after the original Magna Carta but given assent into law just before they made Magna Carta official law in 1297. So just before the confirmation of the charters act. Also, that would make both the Statutes of Westminster the First and Second therefore part of the Ancient liberties and customs of the realm. Because most of the laws and rights contained within it (and for that matter the Charter of Westminser and the original City of London charter.. all still held in effect along with the 1100 Charter of Liberties by effect of the Confirmation of the charters... Being that all said acts are charters.
So.... This Clause 31 is exactly what we are looking for. But it is proving difficult to find the full complete text. I do not find it on any of the websites in search. Not the conplete text. And the legislation.gov website does not have the original either. 🤔
It says that Cities shall not have excessive tolls. And also that the contributions from all citizens should keep them. But We know London had an earlier charter and cannot have inheritance tax or tax on personal property. And we are certain that "users" of the roads do not pay for passage in London or on the Kings freeways. Other cities can have certain taxes on property (like in the Winchester Charter) and they can have some tolls. But that they cannot be excessive. (Think of Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol) But even if London did have some tolls.. they cannot be excessive and Really both the Congestion charge and Ulez ARE both excessive. Particularly when combined together!!!
I think that the opening also of the Parliament with the Speakers Petition invoking ALL the ancient freedoms and Liberties into effect.. proves that they cannot be repealed. And the Confirmation of the Charters 1297 completely makes it law.
The theft act 1968 claims to have repealed the clause 31 in the statute. Which is ironic because the statute makes it a crime and offence to take the excessive tolls. So Sadiq Kahn the Mayor of London is acting criminally and action for certain can be taken against him and his employed forces, if not arrest!! Particularly on oath of this petition! Clearly daylight robbery! Organised crime. Institutional corruption. I searched the theft act 1968 it is a year after they claim to repeal some magna carta clauses in the Criminal Law Act 1967... Which is not possible. The congestion charge was not brought in until 2002.... But could some of the very harsh parking charges in London and fines resulting from them not be deemed as excessive? Might they instead have just had some restraint on building and planning and the population growth? Of the city? Raise the minimum wage and increase the general taxation and hsve had better quality houses and less polluting industry?
So... I need to find the full complete wording for .31. of the Statute of Westminster the first 😱😮 i still believe already we prove the tolls currenrly are excessive charges for daily passage in London
Richard Kelly
Inheritance TAX is illegal in London. Older ancient law than Magna Carta 1067 and by Edward the Confessor law
2024-11-20 14:35:45All the farmers kicking off in the London Demo the other day. It turns out that INHERITANCE TAX actually is unlawful completely, at least in London.
😐 And this is older than Magna Carta!
So we can add this to the list of violations besides the Tolls, ulez and congestion charge!
Richard Kelly
Here is an artist estimation of the City of Londinium 150AD compared to now.
2024-11-20 12:27:33Just for a general idea of the expansion.
But the true bondaries are set in law in the original charters of the city
Richard Kelly
Some more useful exhibit evidence from National Archives
2024-11-05 04:19:25HL/PO/JO/10/1/305 (1661) supports a no toll River Thames with also no cargo tax, unlike other ports. This needs more research but it is itself good evidence for 1661 and river liberty
Richard Kelly
Map of Ancient tolls outside London known of on record
2024-11-01 18:50:40These are the recorded tolls from the rest of the nation that someone has recorded. I will add these for context and reference
Richard Kelly
Bylaw of Ancient London Liberty cannot be Repealed or otherwise contravened by Parliament nor Mayor
2024-10-31 17:17:30So this "Bylaws" Section 76 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 the byelaw of Magna Carta is set in National not Local law and the Mayor cannot override it.
As no orders can be made or laws against it.. so this cannot give the London Mayor powers that even Government do not have.
Also the Ancient London Liberties could be considered ancient privileges in terminology also.
Richard Kelly
Entire London Congestion Charge and Ulez rests on literally one provision. Which is Feeble and they never repealed Magna Carta
2024-10-31 04:07:25Section 295 of the Greater London Authority Act only gives powers to the authority itself and does not take away existing bylaw of 1297 London Liberty. Nor does this 1999 act repeal the Great Charter or Confirmation of the Charters 1297.
It effectively gives the Mayor the analogy of permission to Charge certain pieces on a chess board when an existing law that still is in force says no black squares can ever be charged. It merely gives him authority to introduce charges to the board (where otherwise no overriding law prevents it)
Richard Kelly