Keep the O'Neill's Road Pedestrian Level Rail Crossing Open!
Contact the author of the petition
Deadline for feedback is tomorrow! (Sunday 2 July)
2023-07-01 01:10:53Important reminder! Give feedback and come to the drop-in tomorrow!!!!
The deadline to provide feedback of any kind to Auckland Transport on the planned closure of O'Neill's pedestrian rail crossing is tomorrow at midnight (Sunday 2 July).
Please fill out the Auckland Transport feedback form here:
AND ALSO come along at any time during the drop in consultation with the Auckland Transport team. This is being run alongside the Neighborhood Support and Waitakere Community session at 2pm-4pm tomorrow (Sunday 2 July) at St Marks Church (next to Swanson School).
The best way we can make positive impact and change in our community is by taking ownership and showing up...we have more impact with greater numbers! So please if you have any opinion at all or questions of AT, come along tomorrow!!!
Candice de Villiers
Call to action! Another important update - we met with Auckland Transport.
2023-06-23 03:01:32
Since the last update Shaz Davies, Graham Petrie, Jane Treadwell-Hoye and myself secured a meeting on Monday 19 June with three employees of AT who are working on the planning and engagement/comms of the 7 planned level pedestrian rail crossings across Auckland (one of them being our O'Neills Rd crossing)
To be clear - despite some mixed messaging in AT's communications, AT has confirmed with us that this closure in their view is not 'a proposal' but a confirmed closure.
See the attached images for summary notes of that meeting and our response to AT following the meeting.
We have also sent an email to the Henderson-Massey local board summarising the current situation and our work on this matter in order to engage their support. We will update on this.
SHOW UP! One of the outcomes of the meeting was that AT agreed to hold an ADDITIONAL 'drop-in' session for the community, as we voiced how 'uninviting' both the times and location in the middle of winter were for their 2 planned sessions. If you feel strongly about AT's decision to close the crossing without adequate risk-analysis and consultation. PLEASE SHOW UP AND GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK at the drop in session (Sat 24 June 11am-1pm in the train station carpark OR Sun 2 July 2pm-4pm St Marks Hall beside Swanson School)
FILL OUT THE Auckland Transport FEEDBACK SURVEY by midnight Sunday 2 July:
VOLUNTEER TO HELP! Our small working group has limited time, we'd welcome others to help us lead the charge on this. Please email keeponeillscrossing gmail addess to help give your time to advocating for our community on this matter.
Candice de Villiers
An update on the progress of our work to halt the closure of the O'Neills Rd crossing as it is currently planned
2023-05-31 02:08:54Kia ora koutou,
Graham Petrie and I (Swanson residents helping to lead this work) presented to this document at the Waitakere Ranges Local board meeting last week Thursday 25th May.
The local board received our presentation and subsequently made a resolution as outlined below (also full minutes available here:
"a) whiwhi / receive the presentation on the closure of the O’Neill’s Road pedestrian level crossing in Swanson and thank Graeme Petrie and Candice De Villiers, on behalf of the Working Group – Keep O’Neill’s crossing open, for their attendance.
b) tono / request Auckland Transport to provide an update on:
i) its assessment of the negative impacts of closing the O’Neill’s
Road pedestrian level crossing
ii) options for a best practice pedestrian crossing
iii) its approach to provide meaningful consultation with local
residents as requested in this presentation."
The next steps are for us to connect with Auckland Transport with support with the Local Board to establish a clear approach to meaningful community engagement/consultation with us all on this matter. We'll be doing this over the next short while as AT are looking to 'consult' in June on this.
We will keep you all posted.
Candice de Villiers