New Queens Park Pavillion Cafe - No Late Night Liquor Licence

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Let Centennial Parklands what YOU think about the Queens Park Cafe - NOW

2013-03-11 04:43:37

Hello again!

Centennial Parklands Trust has finally opened its eyes and ears to acknowledge public opinion about the Queens Park Cafe/ EVENT VENUE.

For 2 weeks ONLY, Until tis Friday 15th March.

Click HERE for the announcement and relevant documents

The Queens Park Pavilion refurbishment project has now progressed to final design and operational planning stage.

We are now entering the Community Exhibition process for the project, during which the community will be able to make comments on the draft design, draft operating guidelines and REF. This stage was included in response to community interest in the project.

Process ahead

  • We have provided the following documents online for community review from Monday 4 March to Friday 15 March 2013. All documents on this webpage are also available to view in hard copy in the reception of the Parklands Office in Centennial Park during the same period.
  1. Email to - please ensure you provide your full name, a contact number, your street and suburb of residence in the email
  2. Write to us: "Queens Park Pavilion Project Feedback", c/- Parklands Office, Locked Bag 15, Paddington NSW 2021

Comments should be submitted by 5.00 pm, Friday 15 March 2013.



Some things YOU might want to let them know you worry about:

  • Parking Stress during Peak Usage - given a lack of public transport
  • Alcohol / anti social behaviour / Vandalism
  • Alcohol, Smoking and children
  • Proximity to minors in the adjacent popular playground
  • Safety of Unsupervised Minors in playground
  • Excessive noise and entertainment
  • Deliveries – Timing of / Traffic Hazards
  • Waste removal smells and noise / trucks / bottles
  • Street / Pedestrian / lighting upgrades
  • Policing of Cafe and Queens Park surrounding the Cafe - whose responsibility?
  • After hours issues - whose responsibility Council, local police –Waverley or Randwick?


Also visit our facebook page for latest news and updates at:

THANK YOU once again for your support in curbing this inappropriate development. They have not listened so far, so we must try again now...

Sincerely, Merissa

Merissa Brady

URGENT Last day to Oppose the Liquor Licence for Queens Park Pavilion

2012-10-10 06:49:06

Last hours to get your friends & family members to sign this petition! Lets get over 100

Opportunity to object to the Queens Park Pavilion Liquor and Entertainment License closes on Friday October 12th. If you haven't already please write with your concerns having a licensed venue so close to a kiddies playground.

Download the forms here. You can submit via post, fax or email.

Add your concerns quoting the application number APP-000214231.


Many thanks for your support, Merissa

Merissa Brady

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