Contact the author of the petition
Gauteng Liquor Board meeting regarding The Strip - N'Joy
2024-06-25 18:10:41Good day all
At last we have a meetign with the Gauteng Liquor Board regarding Liquor lisence for N'Joy at The Strip. Some of the people who signed the petition mentioned under age drinking at The Strip, where alcohol was sold to under aged youth. If you are a witness to this, please contact me on 082 454 9244 if you are willing to do an affidavit to this effect.
Regards Cllr Siobhan Muller
Siobhan Muller
Progress on the noise at The Strip
2024-02-17 07:34:29Good day all - since the last update, the University of Pretoria has been in court to get an intersict against the Stip - they won but SAPS refused to impliment the court order. The defendants were refused the right to appeal the court case and have now taken it to the Supreme Court of Appeal. This delays the impimentation
We have regualr community meetings with stakeholders includign MMC's, TMPS and SAPS - there are always excuses from both TMPD, buildign control and SAPS as to why they cant act. There has been a Carte Blance expose on The Strip since then , I have attended site visist only afterwards to be told by officials there is no problem. So this matter is not an easy one to fight.
We are calling on those who have since October 2023 to date been affected by the noise to do an Affidavit to show that despite the interdict the problems persist
Regards Cllr Siobhan Muller
Siobhan Muller
July 2023 Feedback on The Strip Petition
2023-07-20 07:56:11Good morning all
Yesterday the comittee representing the community met with the Director for Compliance for the Liquor Board, SAPS deputy District Commander Thine, Brooklyn SAPS, as well as TMPD, to take the matter of the issuing of the liquor licenses on Lynnwood road at The Strip further. A copy of the petition has been given to the liquor board and a formal complaint/petition will be given through to them as per thier guidelines they provided yesterday.
We will request the chair perosn of the Liqour Board meets with us to explain why these licenses were issued.
We are working together for a beter community and the safety of our youth
Siobhan Muller
FEEDBACK on The Strip petition
2023-06-19 09:04:55Good morning everyone
Again we handed a copy of the petition to the District commanders office with the demand it be presented to the Provincial Commissioner who has not wanted to meet with us yet.
On Saturday I gave the petition to members of the Provincial Leglislature and Members of Parliament to take up the matter at all levels.We have been shouting out loud for years with SAPS ignoring us.
Last night there was an expose on Carte Blanche which hopefully will pressure SAPS to take this matter seriously and see that the residents will not allow things to simply go one.
A huge thank you to the commuity leaders supporting me in this fight for our ward and our City.
I will now post an updated petition which I can then hand to all concerned - I think after last night many more want to sign
Rgards Cllr Siobhan Muller and the Stakeholder group
Siobhan Muller
Feed back on the petition for The Strip
2023-05-28 18:00:26Dear Residents
In November 2022 we handed a copy of this petition to the SAPS Acting District Commisioner in a face to face meeting, as the Provincial commissioner insisted we must first submit to the Distrcict Commisisioner - this we have done with absulutely no follow up or response. Detailed accounts were given to him .
The committe then requested the SAPS Provincial commisioner to attedn a meeting in early May so that a seocnd copy of th epetition could be handed to him for action. Again he refused sayign the new Disctrict commisioner shoudl attend the meetign and receive a petition. Neither the Disctirct commissioner nor the Provincial commissioner arrived for the said meeting. Both were claled at the tiem of the meetign only to find out they were both in Johannesburg and not going to attend the meeting.
I as COuncillor and MERA ( Residents Assocaition) have subsiquently snet the Provincial Commissioner storng letters requesting his office explains why they are unwillign to meet with those that pay their salaries. Failure to get response will mean that this matter needds to be taken to Parliament and to the public Protector as well as to the press.
We will not stand by as our youth are destroyed and our suburbs are turned into criminal hives and noise diswturbance destorys the residential character of our suburbs.
Siobhan Muller
Petition regarding the crime at The Strip on Lynnwood road
2022-11-27 10:58:38Dear Residents
Thank you for signing this petition. The community leaders, myself and other stakeholders will meet with the District Commander , Commander Thine on Thursday 1st December. It has taken a while to get the meeting, and we were informed we could not meet with the Provincial Commander until we had met with Commander Thine.
I will be handing over our petition to Commander Thine ( it is addressed to the Provincial Commander) and making it clear that unless action is taken, the next step will be the Provincial Commander. I have already perepared a copy for each of these Commanders.
Siobhan Muller
Status of the petition for The Strip Lynnwood road
2022-10-26 18:27:25Thank you for signing our petition - please encourage others to do so as well. We are waitign for an appointment with the District Commisioner and will update you as soon as we have one.
Siobhan Muller